个人简历及学术经历:2017年6月毕业于苏州大学高分子材料与工程专业,获学士学位;2022年6月毕业于华东师范大学无线电物理专业,获博士学位。2023年9月到淮阴师范学院工作。目前已经发表研究论文十余篇,其中部分第一作者文章发表在Journal of the American Chemical Society、Energy Storage Materials、 Chemistry of Materials等杂志上。
[1] Chen Chen, Chong Zhao, Hui Liu, et al. Mitigating the Formation of Tetrahedral Zn in Layered Oxides Enables Reversible Lattice Oxygen Redox Triggering by Na―O―Zn Configuration. ACS Nano 2023, 17, 11406-11413. (共一;影响因子:18.023)
[2] Chong Zhao, Chen Chen, Bei Hu, et al. Correlating Mg Displacement with Topologically Regulated Lattice Oxygen Redox in Na-Ion Layered Oxide Cathodes. Chemistry of Materials, 2022, 34, 9240-9250. (共一;影响因子:10.508)
[3] Chong Zhao, Hui Liu, Fushan Geng, et al. Stable Electronic Structure Related with Mn4+─O-• Coupling Determines the Anomalous Nonhysteretic Behavior in Na2Mn3O7 . Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 48: 290-296. (影响因子:17.789)
[4] Chong Zhao, Chao Li, Hui Liu , et al. Coexistence of (O2)n- and Trapped Molecular O2 as the Oxidized Species in P2-Type Sodium 3d Layered Oxide and Stable Interface Enabled by Highly Fluorinated Electrolyte. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143(44): 18652-18664. (影响因子:15.419)
[5] Chong Zhao, Chao Li, Qi Yang, et al. Anionic redox reaction in Na-deficient layered oxide cathodes: Role of Sn/Zr substituents and in-depth local structural transformation revealed by solid-state NMR. Energy Storage Materials, 2021, 39: 60-69. (影响因子:17.789)
[6] Chong Zhao, Qi Yang, Fushan Geng, et al. Restraining Oxygen Loss and Boosting Reversible Oxygen Redox in a P2-Type Oxide Cathode by Trace Anion Substitution. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(1): 360-369. (影响因子:9.229)